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Urinary System - Theory


• Outer cortex, inner medulla seen. • Cortex contains renal corpuscles- Bowman's capsule with glomerular plexus. Their function is filtration from plasma. • Section of proximal convoluted tubules- eosinophilic columnar cells with brush border,narrow lumen. • Section of distal convoluted tubules-pale staining cuboidal cells, large lumen. • Medulla contains sections of collecting ducts and loops of Henle lined by cuboidal cells and squamous cells. • Functional unit of kidney is the nephron. It consists of renal corpuscles, proximal convoluted tubules, distal convoluted tubules and loop of Henle.

Urinary Bladder

• Mucosa lined by transitional epithelium resting over thick layer of loose connective tissue. • Empty bladder mucosa is thrown into folds. Distended bladder folds disappear and epithelium becomes thin due to stretching • Thick muscle layer-inner longitudinal, middle circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle-detrusor muscle.

•Outer serosa-lined by flat squamous cells.


• Mucosa shows longitudinal folds-lumen is star shaped, lined by transitional epithelium. Epithelium rests on layer of lamina propria. • Thick middle muscle layer--inner longitudinal, outer circular layer of smooth muscles. • Outer layer of loose connective tissue with blood vessels.