Tongue - Circumvallate Papillae
Identification Points
1. Surface lined by stratified squamous
non-keratinized epithelium.
2. Taste buds are present on
lateral surface.
3. Cut sections of muscles and
seromucous glands seen.
Tongue - Fungiform and Filiform Papillae
Fungiform Papillae
Filliform Papillae
Identification Points
1. Surface lined by stratified squamous
non-keratinized epithelium.
2. Taste buds present on
apical surface of fungiform
3. Filiform papillae does not
contain taste buds.
1. External surface lined by thin skin and
inner mucosal surface lined by oral epithelium.
2. Red margin-mucocutaneous junction
of skin and mucous membrane.
3. Central core of skeletal muscle (orbicularis oris).