Dorsal Root Ganglion
Identification Points
1. Large pseudounipolar neurons
with central nucleus surrounded
by satellite cells.
2. Arranged in groups between bundles
of nerve fibers.
3. Thick connective tissue capsule.
Sympathetic Ganglion
Identification Points
1. Small multipolar neurons with eccentric
nucleus surrounded by satellite cells.
2. Scattered between the nerve fibers.
3. Thin connective tissue capsule.
Optic Nerve - Transverse Section
Identification Points
1. Myelinated axons grouped as
bundles or fascicles.
2. In the center of the nerve, central artery
and vein of retina are seen.
3. Shows three layers of meningeal coverings.
Peripheral Nerve - Transverse Section
Identification Points
1. Bundles of nerve fibers with
connective tissue coverings.
2. Each myelinated axon surrounded
by endoneurium.
3. Fascicles surrounded by perineurium.
4. Epineurium-outermost covering of nerve.
Nerve Fibre