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Nervous System - Conducting Fibers - Theory


Dorsal Root Ganglion

• They are also called as sensory ganglion.

• Present in dorsal root of spinal nerve,

• Contains first order sensory neurons.

• Thick connective tissue capsule seen.

• Pseudounipolar ganglion cells-large cells with central nucleus, arranged in groups.

• Satellite cells are more prominent forming a capsule around ganglion cells. It helps in nourishment and insulation.

• Bundles of parallel running myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers seen.


Symphathetic Ganglion

• Located in sympathetic trunk.

• Belong to autonomic nervous system, contains cell bodies of postganglionic sympathetic neurons.

• Thin connective tissue capsule present.

• Multipolar ganglion cells-small in size, with eccentric nucleus. Scattered between nerve fibers.

Few satellite cells surround the ganglion cells and helps in nourishment and insulation

Optic Nerve

• It is the second cranial nerve, a sensory nerve.

Developmentally it is an outgrowth from brain.

. It has meningeal coverings similar to brain-dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater.

• Optic nerve contains myelinated axons of ganglion cells of retina.

Axons grouped as bundles or fascicles by connective tissue extending from pia matter.

Axons are myelinated by the oligodendrocytes.

• Central artery, branch of ophthalmic artery is an end-artery, is accompanied by central vein of retina,

Peripheral Nerve

• Peripheral nerves are formed by bundles of axons which may be myelinated or non-myelinated.

• Nerve fibers are surrounded by supporting cells called Schwann cells, forming a sheath called neurilemma.

• In myelinated nerve fibers the Schwann cell undergo spiraling around the axon forming the fatty myelin sheath whereas in unmyelinated fibers they only form the neu-


Part of axon between two adjacent Schwann cells not covered with myelin is called nodes of Ranvier, helps in fast conduction of impulses.

• Each myelinated axon is surrounded by connective tissue endoneurium.

• Fascicles of nerve fibers surrounded by perineurium.

• Outermost covering of nerve fiber is epineurium.