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Male Reproductive System - Theory



• Lined by cells of different stages of spermatogenesis and Sertoli cells.

• Sertoli cells/sustentacular cells-tall columnar, pale stained with prominent nucleolus. These cells reach the lumen. Function-support and nutrition, phagocytosis and

secretion of hormones.

• Spermatogonia--germ cells, lie near the basal membrane, undergo mitosis to form primary spermatocytes.

• Primary spermatocytes-large cells. Each undergoes meiosis to form two secondary spermatocytes.

. Secondary spermatocytes-smaller, each undergoes meiosis to form two spermatids.

• Spermatids--round cells embedded in apical part of Sertoli cells. Undergoes morphological changes to from spermatozon by the process of spermiogenesis.

• Spaces between the seminiferous tubules contain loose connective tissue with blood vessels. Also contains interstitial cells of Leydig-round large cells, secret

testosterone-male sex hormones.

Vas Deferens

Mucous membrane-shows longitudinal folds-lumen is small:

-Lined by simple columnar cells.

-Lamina propria-loose connective tissue with elastic fibers.

Thick muscle coat-inner circular, outer longitudinal smooth muscles.

Outermost layer-adventitia made of connective tissue.

Function-conveys sperm to the ejaculatory ducts.


• Tubuloalveolar glands separated by fibromuscular stroma.

• Glands lined by columnar epithelium, mucosa thrown into folds.

• Lumen contains lamellated round masses of corpora amylacea (calcified glycoprotein) which increases with age.

Fibromuscular stroma-is made of collagen fibers and smooth muscles. It becomes more with age.


• Epididymis is highly coiled single tubular structure.

• Coils of tubules held by fibrous connective tissue.

• Tubule is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia. Each tubule is surrounded by smooth muscle cells which help in the transport of spermato

through the contraction of tubules.

• Stereocilia are large microvilli for absorption of fluids

• Function:

-reabsorb fluid from the testicular secretions.

-Helps in maturation of spermatozoa.