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Male Reproductive Organs


 Identification Points

1. Sections of seminiferous tubules lined by 

spermatogonin, different stages of 

spermatocytes and Sertoli cells.

2. Interstitial cells of Leydig in between the 

tubules seen.

3.Sertoli cells are tall columnar, pale stained

 with prominent nucleolus.

4.Spaces between the seminiferous tubules

 also contain loose connective tissue 

with blood vessels. 






Identification Points

1. Sections of tubule lined by pseudostratified

 columnar epithelium with stereocilia.

2. Lumen filled with sperms.

3. Each tube surrounded by smooth muscle cells.





Vas Deferens


 Identification Points

1. Mucosa lined by simple columnar cells 

(towards the distal end, it is lined by

 pseudostratified columnar epilhelium).

2. Thick muscular tube.

3. Thick muscle coat- of inner circular and 

outer longitudinal smooth muscles.








Identification Points

1. Prostatic glands (acini or follicles) lined by 

simple columnar epithelium.

2. Mucosa thrown into folds, lumen contains 

corpora amylacea.

3. Acini separated by thick fibromuscular stroma.

Seminal Vesicle

Identification Points

1. Lumen is filled with highly convoluted 

mucosal folds.

2. Lining epithelium-pseudostratified columnar type.

3. Smooth muscle fibers seen in middle layer.