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Lymphatic System



 ldentification Points

1. Lobules separated by incomplete

 fibrous septa.

2. Each lobule contains peripheral cortex 

of densely packed small lymphocytes and 

central medulla with sparsely arranged 

larger lymphocytes and Hassall's corpuscles.




ldentification Points

1. Surface lined by stratified squamous 

non-keratinized epithelium.

2. Surface shows depressions called 

tonsillar crypts.

3. Lymphoid follicles with germinal center 

seen along the crypts.




Identification Points

1. Red pulp, white pulp differentiated.

2. White pulp-lymphoid aggregations with 

eccentric central artery.

3. Red pulp contains splenic cords 

surrounded by sinusoids,

Lymph Node

Identification Points

1. Fibrous capsule and subcapsular 

space seen.

2. Outer cortex, inner medulla differentiated.

3. Cortex contains łymphoid follicles 

with germinal center. 

Medulla contains medullary cords 

and sinuses.