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Gastrointestinal System - Intestines





Identification Points

1. Mucosal villi, lined by columnar epithelium

with microvilli (brush border) and goblet cells.

2. Submucosal Brunner's glands present.









Identification Points

1. Mucosal villi, lined by columnar epithelium with

microvilli (brush border) and lots of goblet cells.

2. Intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkühn) present.

3. No submucosal glands or Peyer's patch.










 Identification Points

1. Mucosal villi, lined by columnar epithelium with

microvilli (brush border) and lots of goblet cells.

2. Peyer's patch in mucosal layer extending to 








Large Intestine



Identification Points

1. Lining epithelium is tall columnar with lots of 

goblet cells.

2. Lamina propria filled with crypts of Lieberkühn.

3. Taenia coli in the muscularis externa.









 Identification Points

1. Lining epithelium is tall columnar with 

lots of goblet cells.

2. Lamina propria filled with lymphold follicles 

and few crypts of Lieberkühn.

3. No villi, no taenia coli.

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